Sukkos Schedule:

Wednesday, October 16 - Evening Services 6:20pm
Thursday, October 17, Morning Services 10:00am, followed by kiddush in the Sukkah
Evening Services: 6:50pm

Friday, October 18, Morning Services 10:00am, followed by a kiddush in the Sukkah.
Evening Services: 5:50pm

Shabbos, October 19, Morning Services 10:00am, followed by a kiddush in the Sukkah.


Simchat Torah Schedule:

Thursday, October 24th

-Morning Services: 10:00am

-Yizkor memorial service: 11:30 am

Followed by kiddush with light refreshments in the sukkah.

- Evening Services/ Hakafat and dancing with the Torah: 6:45pm

Followed by kiddush and a hot buffet indoors.


Friday, October 25th:

Morning Services: 10 am

With Dancing and Hakafot followed by kiddush with light refreshments.


RSVP is strongly encouraged.